Tragedy as Cooking gas burn a woman and Child to Death (Videos).

According to a report circulation the social media, the woman you are seeing below was burnt to death by cooking Gas, the report says the woman was operating her mobile phone while using the gas and also carrying her baby, we can not say if the report in this narration is true but after Watching this Video Please Read what we can say about cooking gas and a Mobile phone.
Ever wondered if cellphones truly cause fires when exposed to gas fumes?
“My name is Dr Ademola. 3 days ago, my husband who also happens to be a Doctor shared the sad incidence of 6 individuals who were brought into the Casualty department of OOUTH for burns injury which they sustained while receiving phone calls in the kitchen with the gas stove on. Pls stop receiving calls in the kitchen. It is as dangerous as receiving phone calls in petrol station. Pls don’t forget to share with loved ones.”
I’ve been triggered by the amount of broadcast messages circulating the internet on how cellphones should never be used in fuel stations and kitchens for fear of igniting the fumes in the air so I did some research and I got some really interesting news. Parents please look away, this might be shocking news.
Generally a fire starts when a flammable material (fuel/wood), in combination with oxygen, is exposed to a source of heat above the flash point for the fuel/oxygen mix. Flash-point is basically the lowest temperature at which a material will ignite. Remember flash-point, we’ll mention it later.
While gas stations would unfailingly warn against cellphone usage on ground, it mostly falls on deaf ears. The “Turn Off Cellphones” signs stand more decorative than mandatory. Sure there have been a couple of urban legends describing the fire incidents started by cell phones at gas stations and kitchens (because gas stoves = gas leaks) but there is an urban legend on everything. You see, if each time you ask a unique person whether they’ve witnessed a fire outbreak ignited by a cellphone, you’d run out of people and still be waiting on that “Yes”.
“Cell phones continue to be cited as causing fires at the pump in e-mails circulating on the Internet,” says the Petroleum Equipment Institute, a leading authority for fuel and fluid equipment in the US. “So far, we have been unable to document any incidents that were sparked by a cellular telephone. In fact, many researchers have tried to ignite fuel vapors with a cell phone and failed.”
So what started these false reports? Where is the fire to this smoke?
You see, in the late 90s, there were rumors of cellphone related fires in India and Australia and despite a lack of concrete facts the big oil companies decided to provide some sort of cautionary warning- just in case. Everyday people are looking to make things up to scare the internet world.
First, I have to say, because information is so easy to cross borders, people tend to digest without analyzing. During my research, cellphone batteries and radio waves were the usual suspects accused of causing fire incidents. Where it may be theoretically possible for those elements to cause a fire or explosions, the chances that all the precise conditions align and occur simultaneously for cell phone batteries and car batteries alike to ignite vapors at a gas station are next to zero.
Much like while driving, the reason you should not use cellphones at gas stations is simply because they distract you and this loss of concentration may expose to you to other dangers such as other cars moving around the petrol station.
One research team concluded, “A properly-working cell phone poses almost no danger of igniting gasoline, even when surrounded by gasoline vapor with the optimum fuel-air mix for ignition. The actual risk (at fuel stations) comes from an electrostatic discharge between a charged driver and the car, often a result of continually getting into and out of the vehicle.”
You should be more worried about yourself and, of course, static electricity.
Static Electricity?
To fully understand static electricity, you first have to learn a little about the particulate nature of matter (don’t worry, that is for another day) but you have probably experienced the effects of static electricity. If you walk around on a carpeted floor then grab a metal doorknob, you might get a quick shock or the sparking sound and feel you get when taking off a sweater during Harmattan. That is static electricity showing off. These static charges can be built up in different ways such as going in and out of a car and have been recorded responsible for a number of petrol station fires. Remember flash-point? Yes, the static charge could reach that (although unlikely) temperature thereby igniting the gas vapour. Meaning you are more likely to cause a fire than that cellphone in your hand. How about that for a twist, eh?
How about in a Kitchen?
Accidents can happen everywhere. If the accident was letting your steaming pot of beans slowly turn into black goo as you stare purposefully into your cellphone screen while ignoring the torrid bean stench then yes, you need to keep your phone out of the kitchen. I mean, think about it for a second. The fire Dr. Ademola warns us about had to be propagated by a gas leak and if the gas stove was on, it stands as an ignition point. As with static electricity, the chances of your cellphones causing fire are quite infinitesimal.
There has been no recorded fire incident that was caused by cellphones even when scientists gave it a try.
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