Pastor and Deaconess B.A Adekola Celebrates 21 years of Ordination as pastor of Christ Apostolic Church(CAC)

Pastor and Deaconess  B.A Adekola  are the parent of talented actors Odunlade Adekola  and Adekola Jethro. these wonderful parent has obviously played their role in bringing up these talent, both morally and spiritually. Jethro adekola is know to be following his father footstep in the ministry and Odunlade on the other hand has always been seen to be a modest man even as a famous actor, Director and Producer.

Odunlade Adekola
Odunlade Adekola
Jethro Adekola
Odunlade’s Brother Jethro Adekola

The Talented actor recently post the video of 21st anniversary of ordination of their parent as pastor in Christ Apostolic Church(CAC) saying

At the celebration of 21st years that Pastor and Deaconess ADEKOLA has been ordained as a PASTOR in
Christ Apostolic Church Congratulations to daddy and mummy


See the Video Below


Odunlade Adekola was born into a Christian family back in 1978, then his father, Mr B.A Adekola was the chiormaster at a parish of Christ Apostolic Church(CAC) in Abeokuta Ogun state, he his now the Pastor of the same branch. His mother is a deaconess, she is identified as Deaconess Felicia Adekola.

Deaconess Adekola and his father Pastor Adekola are from Ekiti State.

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