The talented Yoruba veteran actor, Goriola Hassan who is now known as Alayeluwa, Oba Omogoriola Adeniyi, the Oba(king) of Uba Imobi took to his Instagram page to reveal and explain how he successfully became the traditional ruler of Ubi Imobi.

According to Goriola Hassan who is now addressed as the Olu of Uba Land, Imobi kingdom, he said many thought he used influence and money to attain the post of the Oba but that was not true as he was chosen by the IFA (Oracle) of the land of Uba Imobi.

Caption to his Instagram post below.

Yoruba veteran actor, Goriola Hassan reveals how he successfully became the Oba of Uba Imobi kingdom (photos & video)
Yoruba veteran actor, Goriola Hassan reveals how he successfully became the Oba of Uba Imobi kingdom (photos & video)

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